Rachel Strongoli-Artista

Sport”Rachel is a sound wing defender who will enhance ourability to keep the ball and help us build out of the back.She’s tactically smart and plays well in a zonal system. Iexpect that she will challenge for minutes early on in theseason and add a calming influence to our backline whenon the field.” Strongoli Rachel
 Play on the CSU women’sbasketball team. . . member of theHonor Roll in high school. . . wasactive in the Italian Club, theDiversity Club and the OpheliaProject at Solon High. . . psychologyand art major.  raquel pic A person a lotof personality

I goTs StufF coMin’


of my head

Rachel Strongoli Cleveland football


Rachel Strongoli-autoritratto 2012

Are you angry at something that happened? Or are you angry because of how you are choosing to look at it? …Can u expand your mind beyond your initial assumptions and original ways of thinking.

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